Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Intergalactic Party Bus

Last night some friends and I had a great night out. It started at the apartment, Sarah, Mars, Monica, Ben, Ami and I, with some beers, then we decided to round up more friends and hit up one of our favorite Monday night hot spots, Crazy Burger. Cory, Danielle, Connie, Baby Jessie and our new friend Kyle joined us there, and after a beer and a burger, we decided to hit up another one of our favorite Monday night hot spots, Toronado! Connie, Ami, and Monica parted ways on the way to Toronado, but Rachel joined us there. After a couple beers there, the party was ready to roll. Rachel and Baby Jessie departed, and as the rest of us stepped outside, lo' and behold, there she stood. A full size bus aglow with spectacular lights and awesome jam-metal-trancey-goodness flowing through it's walls and windows. The side of the bus read "Interstellar Transmissions." What was left of us hopped on the bus and were treated to some amazing music, and met some awesome new people. The bus drove around the North Park/Normal Heights/City Heights/South Park area for quite some time. We danced, laughed, drank, and danced some more before the bus announced it would be headed towards Hillcrest soon, so we hopped off as that'd be the opposite direction we were headed. We walked on back to the apartment where Mars, Ben and I just hung out in the garage for a while, before deciding to obtain some Mexican food to offset our level of intoxication. We ate our burritos and talked about how rad the night had been and how awesome the music was. This morning I woke up feeling refreshed and maybe still a bit high from that brownie I ate. Haha. So I give to you a couple videos from Interstellar Transmissions! The first is like a little intro video. Talks about them and what they are doing. The following is a full jam, recorded at Symbiosis Festival this past year.

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