Warp Records released this new track from Bibio to youtube today. The track will be featured on the album Silver Wilkinson (a play on the artist's name, Stephen Wilkinson) which will be available on May 14th. Silver Wilkinson will be Bibio's 7th LP, his last was 2011's Mind Bokeh. In 2009 he released 3 full albums, before that he had one in '05 and one in '06. 2009's Ambivalence Avenue being my personal favorite, especially the track 'The Palm of Your Wave." Stephen had this to say about 'À tout à l'heure,'
"The recording of 'À tout à l'heure' started out in my garden on a gorgeous sunny day when it felt morally wrong to be hidden away indoors. I still had the urge to make music so I limited myself to a few bits of gear and set up in my garden: a 12 string guitar, an MPC sampler, a microphone and a cassette recorder. I drummed on objects in the garden, like a plastic watering can and 'snipped' garden shears for percussion parts. The guitar part was something I had been developing over some time in my head but it was this change of environment that led to recording the backbone of this song, which I then continued to build upon in my studio later. When I listen to the intro of that track now, I still hear the sunshine and the garden in it because for me it's like a photograph of that moment. No doubt the sunny outdoors inspired the lyrics too."
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