Friday, May 24, 2013

Flower of Love (Recap)

Well. I feel a little let-down. What I wanted to do for the next few days was go over which DJ's I liked best each day, or favorite tracks I heard while out on the dance floor. There was one song in particular that I wanted to share with you guys. I heard it a couple of times, and had talked to a friend I made out there about it. We agreed the next time we heard it we would go ask the DJ what it was. We heard it again, and ran up there and said he had heard it a couple times and wanted to know what it was. He seemed offended I had said I heard it played by other people, but gave me the name of the track anyway, "Monday Trolling," to which I thought in my head... this guy's obviously trolling me, and that's not the name of the track. Anyway, I get home, look it up and that is indeed not the track I was looking for, it was however, a track I heard out there. So balls. The track remains a mystery. Hopefully I will find it someday, but with nothing to go on there isn't anything I can do but hope I hear it again.

Kevin Anderson, a San Diego based DJ affiliated with the Desert Hearts Collective, played on Sunday afternoon/early evening and played a great set. He will also be spinning for my friends at the Astrolab on Thursday night which they will be streaming through ustream. Check out their facebook here: Audio Impact Entertainment.

The DJ I enjoyed best was Taeo, a guy from here in San Diego, who unfortunately doesn't have a soundcloud or anything for me to share with you. He played an amazing ambient set early in the morning on Monday and it made the desert the perfect dreamy place to wake up to for me. It was kind of funny because later in the day some friends that I had made at Flower of Love said they thought that it was me at the decks. At one point we had been talking about how I really wanted some ambient music late late at night or early morning, and that I was just going to have to do it myself. Unfortunately I know nothing about mixing, so I'd just be playing a song, then another, and not blending them. Well this DJ didn't really use transitions, and my friends were like, "OMG Did Fred get up there and start playing music?" Hahaha. Ahhhh. It was decided next time, I will need to play a set. I've been piecing it together in my head ever since.

Anyway. Flower of Love was amazing, and hopefully I'll be able to find that track some day, and if I ever see Taeo make a soundcloud, I will certainly direct you to it. I'll give you this at least: Me as the Magical Unicorn with another new friend I made out there, Cotton.
And here is the Sunset and (Full Moon) Moon-rise, which both occurred at the same time on Friday night, a spectacular sight it was. 

Moon-rise, just as it came over the mountains:
The moon, a little further up.

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